What are SaaSAssure's Security Features?

At SaaSAssure the security of the platform and all data is a top priority.

SaaSAssure is secure by design and has numerous security features built-in to ensure the best protection possible. See below for a list of just some of the ways we work to protect you and your data. 

Security Features on the Platform: 

    • Account lockout limits
    • MultiFactor authorization (MFA)
    • Role-based access
    • MultiPerson approval (MPA)
    • Access audit logs and monitoring
    • Routine 3rd party security scans with certificates

Security Features on Data Management: 

    • In transit: 
      • TLS encryptions
      • Layer 7 firewall
      • Botnet protection
      • Security events management
      • Geographic activity isolation
      • Long-term network activity logs
      • Advanced AI intrusion prevention
      • One-time session encryption keys
      • Compression and deduping for data obscuring
    • At rest: 
      • AES-256 encryption with unique keys
      • Protection storage access keys
      • Option to use your own storage location