What is MutliPerson Approval (MPA)?

MPA is a work approval flow applied to key activities that ensures the right people are aware of important changes.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to add, modify, or remove MultiPersonal approval (MPA) on an account. 

Multiperson Approval (MPA) offers an additional layer of security that requires multiple people to authorize and approve a potentially destructive action that can result in the loss of data.

MPA is activated at an account level and each account can have up to 3 unique approvers assigned to it. 

When one of the destructive actions is triggered in SaaSAssure an email is sent to the listed account MPA approvers. They will have 30 minutes within to approve the action or the system will abort the activity. 

You can set the minimum number of approvers to be between 1 to 3, allowing you to have multiple approvers listed, but only 1 or 2 of the approvers involved. This is helpful for when people are on vacation or unavailable to response to an approval quickly. 

The possible actions that can have MPA applied to include: 

    • Edit a backup
    • Delete a backup
    • On-demand backup
    • On-demand restore
    • Deactivate account
    • Delete account
    • Remove connector
    • Delete storage location