How do I Edit a User Role?

User roles are managed on the user's profile page.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to change user's user roles. 

Global Admins require another Global Admin in order to change their user role. Account Admins cannot change the user role of Global Admins. 

To edit a user's role: 

1. Go to the settings section by clicking on the settings icon Settings Icon and navigating to the Users page via the sub-navigation menu.


2. Click on the user in question from the list of users to view their User Profile.


3. In the User Profile view in the upper-right section of the user information, under Role there is a dropdown that will allow you to modify that user's role. Select the role you wish to change the user to. 

User Role Selector

4. A notification message will display confirming the user role change was successful.