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Assigning an Account Group Tag to a User

Account group tags can be added to a User during the user creation process or through editing their profile.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to add/modify Account Group Tags.

Global Admins can modify all users and Account Admins can modify users other than Global Admins. 

Add an Account Group Tag during the User Creation Process: 

When in the 'Add User' modal during the user creation process, there is an option to assign existing account group tags to a user. The existing account group tags will be in a checklist under the Role & Account Group Tags section.

More Information: For more information on the user creation process please see: How do I add a New User to SaaSAssure? 

For more information on how to create account group tags please see: How do I Create an Account Group Tag?


Add an Account Group Tag to an Existing User:

To add an account group tag to an existing user you need to go to their User Profile page. Follow these steps:   

1.  To get to the Users page click on the settings icon Settings Icon and navigating to the page via the sub-navigation menu 

2. In the list of existing users select the user you wish to assign the account group tag to. Clicking on their name will take you to that user's User Profile page. 

3. On the right-hand side of the page is an Account Groups section. Simply click on any of the account group tags listed or on 'Select All' and an 'Apply Tags' button will appear. 

4. Once you have selected the specific account group tags you want to assign to this user click the 'Apply Tags' button. 

5. After the system successfully assigns the tags to the user you will see a notification confirming the changed. 

More Info: For steps on how to edit a user's profile see: How do I Remove an Account Group Tag from an Account or User?

For more information on how to create account group tags please see: How do I Create an Account Group Tag?