Assigning an Account Group Tag to an Account

Account group tags can be added to an account during the account creation process or through the account editing feature

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to add/modify/delete account group tags on an account.

Adding an Account Group Tag during the Account Creation Process 

The fastest, but not the only way, to create a new account is via the Dashboard page. To return to the Dashboard page from any other page click on the SaaSAssure logo in the upper left-hand corner. 

Clicking on the '+' icon next to the Accounts Selector Accounts Selectorwith open the Add Account modal. On the first page of this modal there is an Account Group section where you can apply any or all existing account group tags to this new account. Click on the tags you wish to assign and follow the prompts to complete the account creation process. 

More Information: For specifics on account creation see: How do I Create an Account? 


Adding an Account Group Tag by Editing the Account Configuration

The fastest, but not the only way, to get to an account's profile page is to select the account in question from the Account Selector Accounts Selector, which will take inside that account.

1. Once inside the account the '+' icon next to the Account Selector will change to an edit icon Edit Icon with Background. Clicking this icon will take you to that account's profile page where you can edit the account's configuration and details. 


2. On the Account Details page towards the right-hand side of the page is an Account Groups section. Click on any of the account group tags listed or on 'Select All' and an 'Apply Tags' button will appear. 


3. Once you have selected the specific account group tags you want to assign to this account click the 'Apply Tags' button. 


4. After the system successfully assigns the tags to the account you will see a notification confirming the changed. 

More Information: For more details on editing an account see: How do I Edit an Existing Account?