Removing an Account Group Tag from an Account or User

Go to the account or user profile page to edit or remove account group tags from a user.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to modify Account Group Tags for accounts and other users.

Global Admins can modify all users and Account Admins can modify accounts and users other than Global Admins. 

Backup Admins can modify their own account group tag assigned to them, but not for accounts or other users. 

To edit or remove an account group tag on an account or user you need to go to the account's configuration page or the user's User Profile page.

Edit an Account's Account Group Tags

1. Select the account in question from the Account SelectorAccounts Selector, which will take inside that account. Once inside the account the '+' icon next to the Account Selector will change to an edit icon Edit Icon with Background. Clicking this icon will take you to that account's details page where you can edit the account's configuration. 


2. On the right-hand side of the page is an Account Groups section. If the user has any account group tags checked, or if 'Select all' is checked, that means those tags are currently assigned to the user. To remove a tag or all tags uncheck the item(s) and the 'Apply Tags' button will appear. 

Account Group Tag Manager - Selected Tags

3. Once you have unchecked the account group tags you want to remove for this user click the 'Apply Tags' button. 


4. After the system successfully unassigns the tags to the user you will see a notification confirming the changed.


Edit a User's Account Group Tags

1. Start by going to the Users page by clicking on the settings icon Settings Icon and navigating to the page via the sub-navigation menu and follow the steps below.


2.  In the list of existing users select the user you wish to modify or remove the account group tag from. Clicking on their name will take you to that their User Profile page. 


3. On the right-hand side of the page is an Account Groups section. If the user has any account group tags checked, or if 'Select all' is checked, that means those tags are currently assigned to the user. To remove a tag or all tags uncheck the item(s) and the 'Apply Tags' button will appear. 

Account Group Tag Manager - Selected Tags

4. Once you have unchecked the account group tags you want to remove for this user click the 'Apply Tags' button. 


5. After the system successfully unassigns the tags to the user you will see a notification confirming the changed.