What are Backup Restore Points?
Restore points are the number of unique backups to retain for a connector's back up set that could be used for a restore.
Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Backup Admins have permissions to create backups.
While configuring a backup you are able to set the number of restore points you want that backup set to retain. A restore point represents the state of the data at a specific point in time that can be restored.
Each restore point is a unique version of the backup data set that could be used as a restore point. As an example if you had a backup set with 10 restore points configured this would retain the 10 most recent backup runs. When the 11th backup runs the first backup will be removed as a point in time restore option.
Important Note: If additional restore points are needed you can add an additional backup set configured to run at different times to complement the existing backup set.
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