Understanding my Usage Report

The usage report provides an account-level view of each connector and the actual usage per billing cycle.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to view the Billing pages and/or edit billing features.

Billing contacts on file will receive an email with the invoice and usage report every billing cycle.

At the top of every usage report will be your business information as well as the associated invoice administrative details to help link the usage report to it's invoice pair. This section will include the invoice number, the invoice issue date, the account ID, the billing period and the invoice total. 

Under the initial top section the invoice contains the following tables: 

    • User summary table: this is a listing of actual users per connector type by account for all account.  
    • Account-level connector table by connector type: these series of tables are the calculated users and fees by connector grouped into the connector type for an account. 
    • Account-level usage cost table: this is an intermediary aggregate view of the data by connector type to identify what portion of the invoice would be allocated to this account. 

User Summary Table

The user summary table lists by account the number of users per connector type and the fee for that number of users. It is an aggregate view of the account-level usage cost table for all account. The totals are  the total amounts listed in the invoice. This view provides the account specific allocation of costs for the billing cycle. 

The columns in this table includes: 

    • Account name: the name of the account as it appears in the SaaSAssure platform
    • Connector types: this is the list of potential connector plan group by plan fees. The total number of users for connectors within those connector types and the total fee for that connector type will be displayed. 

      The possible connector plan types are: Business Annual Plan, Business Monthly Plan, File-based Annual Plan, File-based Monthly Plan, DevOps Ind. Annual Plan, DevOps Ind. Monthly Plan, DevOps Bundle, M365 Bundle
    • Amount: this is the total account cost for all connector plans. 

Account-level Connector Tables by Connector Type

This is a series of tables where each connector type is broken down into specific connectors. These tables provide the total number of billed users by connector for that account. 

The columns in these tables include: 

    • Connectors: the list of connectors active within that connector type
    • Minimum users: this is the baseline number of users per connector you are committed to for the billing cycle. 
    • Actual users: this is the monthly average of users who's data was backed up rounded up to the nearest whole number. The value is the average of the daily unique number of licensed users backed up over the billing cycle*.

      *Quickbooks Online does not provide a list of unique licensed users, instead the backup with the largest number of users per day is used.  
    • Billed users: this is the value used to calculate the total fee based on the number of users multiplied by that connectors per user fee. The billed number of users is based on either the actual users or the minimum users depending on which is the higher value. 
    • Monthly fees: this is the line item total for the number of billed users multiplied by the connector per licensed user fee.

Account-level Usage Cost Table

The usage cost table is an account level view of all users for a connector type aggregated into a total. This is what is used to populate the user summary table. 

The columns in this table includes: 

    • Item: this is the connector type
    • Users: this is the total number of billed users for that connector type for all connectors of that type
    • Cost/Unit: this is the connector type per licensed user per month fee.
    • Amount: this is the total dollar value for the connector type calculated as the total number of billed users multiplied by the connector type fee.