How are Monthly Billed Users Calculated?

The monthly billed user metric is the average of the daily number of backed up licensed users divided by the total number of days in the billing cycle.

SaaSAssure charges a fee per unique licensed user backed up. This is a monthly (billing cycle) average of the daily total number of unique backed up licensed users divided by the number of days within the billing cycle*. The per user fee is set based on the type of connector category the connector is for.

*Important Note: QuickBooks Online is the only connector where a unique list of licensed users is not provided by the platform and thus backup sets cannot be compared and deduped for unique users. As a result, the backup with the largest number of licensed users is used for the daily total. 

Daily User Count Calculation

The number of unique licensed users billed per day depends on if a backup has ever been done, what the minimum number of users is set as, and/or the plan commitment you are on. 

If Initially No Backup Has Occurred Since the Purchase of the Connector

Once a connector plan has been added SaaSAssure will start recording backup activity for that connector; however, until the first backup has occurred the minimum of 10 users will be applied. 

Once the first backup has run the billable number of users will be either the minimum of 10 users or the actual number of users backed up, if over 10 users. 

For example, if the connector was added on day 1 of a billing cycle, but no backup occurred until day 3 for 58 users, then the daily number of users billed would be as follows:

Day in the Billing Cycle Minimum Number of Users Actual Users Backed Up Billed Number of Users
1 10 0 10
2 10 0 10
3 10 58 58
4 10 58 58

Important Note: On days where the daily number of unique licensed users is lower than the minimum number of users required then the minimum number of users will be used as the daily total. 

Minimum Number of Users

Minimum Number of Users Based on Plan Commitment

Monthly plans are a commitment of one month (billing cycle) at a time and have a minimum of 10 users per connector as a standing requirement. 

Annual plans are structured differently as the price is discounted in exchange for a longer-term commitment. For the first 30 days of an annual plan the minimum number is 10 users per connector. The activity during the first 30 days will set the baseline minimum number of users for the remainder of the commitment term. 

For annual plans the largest daily total number of unique users from within the first 30 days of activity will be taken as the connectors baseline and used as the minimum number of users for the remaining 11 months of the commitment. 

Example where 134 users was the largest daily number of users backed up: 

Billing Month

Minimum Number of Users

Highest Daily Total of Users within Billing Month




2 through 12




If Multiple Backups are Done on the Same Day

When a connector has multiple backups done on the same day the user lists are compared across all backups and deduped for unique values only to provide a total number of unique licensed user daily total*. 

For example:

Backup 1

User A

User B

User C

Backup 2

User A

User C

User D

Backup 3

User E

Unique User's Backed Up: User A, User B, User C, User D, User E = 5

In this example across 3 different backup runs for the same connector there were 5 unique users, thus the daily billed user total will be 5. 

*Important Note: QuickBooks Online is the only connector where a unique list of licensed users is not provided by the platform and thus backup sets cannot be compared and deduped for unique users. As a result, the backup with the largest number of licensed users is used for the daily total. 

Monthly User Count Calculation

Monthly Connector Plan Example

Here is an example to show how the daily billable user count is used to determine the billing cycle average for a monthly plan: 

Day in the Billing Cycle Minimum Number of Users Actual Users Backed Up Billed Number of Users
1 10 10 10
2 10 6 10
3 10 6 10
4 10 6 10
5 10 10 10
6 10 23 23
7 10 23 23
8 10 23 23
9 10 10 10
10 10 10 10
11 10 18 18
12 10 20 20
13 10 23 23
14 10 23 23
15 10 64 64
16 10 64 64
17 10 34 34
18 10 6 6
19 10 60 60
20 10 64 64
21 10 53 53
22 10 64 64
23 10 64 64
24 10 64 64
25 10 18 18
26 10 10 10
27 10 10 10
28 10 10 10
29 10 64 64
30 10 64 64

If you sum the total for all 30 days of the billing cycle you get 936 billable users, divide that by the 30 days in the billing cycle and the monthly average value is 31.2, which will be rounded up and billed as 32 billable monthly users. 

Annual Connector Plan Example

Note that the first table here is the exact same as within the monthly connector plan example. The total billable users will be 32 for the first month. During the first 30 days of activity there was a highest daily backup of 64 users. That as the highest daily user total will become the baseline minimum number of users for the months 2 through 12 for the annual commitment. 

Example Month 1: 

Month 1: Day in the Billing Cycle Minimum Number of Users Actual Users Backed Up Billed Number of Users
1 10 10 10
2 10 6 10
3 10 6 10
4 10 6 10
5 10 10 10
6 10 23 23
7 10 23 23
8 10 23 23
9 10 10 10
10 10 10 10
11 10 18 18
12 10 20 20
13 10 23 23
14 10 23 23
15 10 64 64
16 10 64 64
17 10 34 34
18 10 6 6
19 10 60 60
20 10 64 64
21 10 53 53
22 10 64 64
23 10 64 64
24 10 64 64
25 10 18 18
26 10 10 10
27 10 10 10
28 10 10 10
29 10 64 64
30 10 64 64


For the month 2 example we'll use the same actual users backed up to demonstrate the implications of the revised baseline number of users used as the minimum

Month 2: Day in the Billing Cycle Minimum Number of Users Actual Users Backed Up Billed Number of Users
1 64 10 64
2 64 6 64
3 64 6 64
4 64 6 64
5 64 10 64
6 64 23 64
7 64 23 64
8 64 23 64
9 64 10 64
10 64 10 64
11 64 18 64
12 64 20 64
13 64 23 64
14 64 23 64
15 64 64 64
16 64 64 64
17 64 34 64
18 64 6 64
19 64 60 64
20 64 64 64
21 64 53 64
22 64 64 64
23 64 64 64
24 64 64 64
25 64 18 64
26 64 0 64
27 64 0 64
28 64 0 64
29 64 64 64
30 64 64 64

For month 2 none of the actual number of users was above the baselined minimum user requirement of 64 users.  The daily user total is 1,920 and once averaged over 30 days becomes a billed amount of 64 users for month 2.