What Billing Documents and Reports does SaaSAssure Provide?

Each billing cycle SaaSAssure generates an invoice and usage report to help explain the platforms fees and allocation of usage.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to view the Billing pages and/or edit billing features.

Billing contacts on file will receive an email with the invoice and usage report every billing cycle. 

For every billing cycle SaaSAssure will generate an invoice and usage report which are two different ways to see the breakdown of the platform's use and cost distribution. 

The billing contact on file will automatically be emailed a copy of these documents once per billing cycle. Other users can access these reports on-demand via the Billing page. 

To access the reports: 

1. First you need to go to the settings section by clicking on the settings icon Settings Icon and navigating to the Billing page via the sub-navigation menu.


2. Under the Invoices section there will be a list of invoices per billing cycle. To the right of each line item is the invoice's action menu. To access the menu click on the ellipsis Action Menu - Ellipse.


3. In the action menu are the download report options for Invoice Action Menu - View Invoice and Invoice Action Menu - View Usage. Clicking on either of these will trigger a PDF download of the invoice or usage report for that billing cycle.