How to Configure the Confluence and Jira Connectors?

Confluence and Jira both utilize API tokens based on an Atlassian account-level token.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to add connector plans.

Connecting Confluence and Jira

The user connecting SaaSAssure to your Atlasian account must have admin permissions. 

In order to connect SaaSAssure to either Confluence or Jira you will need to add the following items to the connector configuration: 

  • API Token (See below for instructions on how to generate this)
  • URL (Your Confluence or Jira domain eg. https://<org-name>
  • Email (Admin user's email who generated the token)

Once you have entered this information into SaaSAssure and clicked on the 'Continue' button SaaSAssure will attempt to connect to your Atlassian tenant and the associated SaaS application you've configured. 

If the integration was successful you will see a success notification displayed, if there were issues an error message will display. 

How to generate an Atlassian API Token

1. Login into either your Confluence or Jira accounts and click on your profile image. 


2. Select 'Profile' from the menu options. This will take you to your profile with the application you are operating from (Confluence or Jira).


3. Click on the 'Manage your account' button, which should be under your profile image and name. This takes you to an Atlasian-level account section. 


4. Click on the 'Security' tab. 


5. Under the API Token's header click on the 'Create and manage API tokens' link. This will take you to the API Token page. 


6. Click the 'Create API token' button


 7. The 'Create an API token' modal will appear and ask you to create a name for this new token. Select a name that notes this is for the SaaSAssure integration. Click 'Create' to generate this new token. 

Important Note: It is not possible to view the token after closing the creation dialog for security reasons. Please ensure you copy this token and store it securely in the same manner you would for any password.  

8. Click the 'Copy to clipboard' button. Paste this token into the SaaSAssure connector configuration modal. Ensure you also safely store this token just as you would a password.