How do I Manage Auto-Payments?

Auto-payments (autopay) is an optional feature managed from the Billing page.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Account Admins have permissions to view the Billing pages and/or edit billing features.

Initial Autopay Setup

When upgrading from the SaaSAssure free trial to a paid plan you are asked on the 'Billing Information' modal (this is where you enter your credit card information), if you would like to enable the Autopay feature. Autopay simply means that as your invoices become due we automatically charge the credit card on file. By default the Autopay feature is disabled. 

Important Note: If an outstanding invoice is not paid within the required terms SaaSAssure will automatically charge the credit card on file regardless of autopay settings. 

Managing Autopay

To enable or disable autopay: 

1. Go to the settings section by clicking on the settings icon Settings Icon and navigating to the Billing page via the sub-navigation menu.


2. Under the 'Credit Card' heading, below the card information, click the 'Payment options' link. 


3.  In the 'Payment Options' modal under the 'Credit Card' tab the first item is the autopay toggle. Click on the autopay toggle to set the feature as either enabled or disabled based on your preferences. 


4. Click the 'Close' button. In the billing dashboard that 'Autopay' header should now note your changed preference.