How do I Export a Backup?

All connectors have an export option per backup.

Required User Roles: Only Global Admins or Backup Admins have permissions to export backups.

To export the data, meta data, and files from a backup please follow these steps: 

1. Navigate to the account and connector for the backup in question. Each backup listed within a connector has an action menu at the right-side of the backup list, which is represented by an ellipsis Action Menu - Ellipse


2. Click the ellipse to open the action menu and select the 'Export' option Backup Action Menu - Export. The Export Backup Data modal will open, which lists all the backup runs associated with the backup set selected.


3. From the list of backup runs select the one you would like to export and click the 'Next' button. 


4. For security you will be prompted to create a one-time password for the export. This password does not get recorded anywhere so please make sure you have securely tracked the password in some manner. Follow the password requirements noted in the modal and then click the 'Export' button to start the export process. 


5. Once the export has started you will receive a notification noting the password was successfully applied and that the export process was successfully started. 


6. Export File Delivery:

6A. - Asigra Storage Location - If this backup was stored within the Asigra storage provided by SaaSAssure then you will receive an email with a link to download a zip file that is protected with the password you submitted. 

6B. - Own Storage Location - If this backup was stored within your own storage location then the password protected zip file will be added to an export folder directly in the storage location used for the backup. 

Important Note: SaaSAssure does not retain the password used on the export file and the support team will not be able to help access any exports. If you are unable to access the export because you cannot recall the password you will need to run a export again.