Keyword Search Supported Operators for Item-Level Restore
For connectors that support item-level keyword search the following search options and operators are supported:
Default Search
By default, if multiple keywords are used the system will do a search for items that contain all the noted keywords in no specific order.
Example: Happy birthday will return results such as:
· Happy birthday John
· Happy Birthday Rachel
· Happy 2nd birthday
Exact Phrase
To search for multiple words in the exact order started please use quotations around the phrase.
Example: ‘Happy birthday’ will return results such as:
· Happy birthday John
· Happy Birthday Rachel
AND Operator
Adding AND between keywords will search for both keywords noted, without order. If you use quotes on the keywords, it will treat the keywords as a single String (phrase)
Example: ‘Happy birthday’ AND ‘Rachel’ will return results such as:
· Happy Birthday Rachel
· Rachel wishes you a happy birthday
OR Operator
Adding an OR between keywords will search for the presence of either keyword but not both keywords.
Example: Happy OR Birthday will return results such as:
· Happy birthday John
· Happy days!
· Happy to help
NOT Operator
Adding a NOT between keywords will search for the first noted keyword and exclude any result that also has the second keyword.
Example: Happy NOT birthday will return results such as:
· Happy days!
· Happy to help
Wildcard Operator (On Prefix)
Adding an * at the end of a keyword or phrase will search for any potentially matching result. This can be used to search with partial keywords or for partial phrases. If searching with a phrase be sure to put quote marks around the phrase with the wildcard outside of the quotes.
Example: Hap* will return results such as:
· Happy birthday John
· Happy days!
· It happened yesterday
· He is an English Chap
Example: “it happened’* will return results such as:
· It happened yesterday
· It happened last years
· It happened to Frank